Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ladyboys and a massage

Yesterday evening I was heading to go get dinner and grabbed a trike. When I got in I thought I was sitting next to a girl. When she started to sing I knew my thought process was all wrong. It's a dude dressed like a girl. I'm not trying to judge its just throwing me off my game when you see a pretty girl who has the beans and frank.
Ate at a restaurant called organge Brutus. Got the cheeseburger meal with a coke for about $ 1.70. Sometimes it's great to be in the Philippines.
After that I wanted to go to the spa for a massage .I decided to pay extra for the Swedish massage with oil. OK OK I'm worth it. It cost me $ 5.30 for the hour long massage. OK I felt like a dumb hick. They immediately changed my flip-flops for a pair of theirs. The lady pointed to the wash basin but I was scared to move so she said "feet in" then she washed my feet and took me to a dark room and left me. A few minutes later the girl who be massaging me came in and said sir please remove some clothes,I felt like a  dumb hick. Great massage then at end she asked me if I wanted happy. If you don't know what happy is just ask any sailor who has been to the Orient. I said no because I didn't want to get a trip that keeps on giving long after I left.
Remember men we are all in this together.

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