Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas eve

Christmas eve is a very big thing here. Families get together and eat, drink, and videoke. It sounded like a war zone here last night. Fireworks booming till 3 am and videoke blurring from multiple places at full blast at the same time. Videoke is the same as karaoke but with a video in the background that came from Korea and has nothing to do with the song.
Alot of people can't afford fireworks so they create some kind of exploding thing. Reminds me of a potato gun with no potato (thank god). Went to the road a little after dark and saw most guys carrying large bottles of beer so I said to myself " get your skinny white butt back to the apartment". I didn't want to play gangrape the American.
It's Christmas afternoon here. Went to Tamiya earlier and spent a couple of hours chilling and people watching. Took some pictures of it.
At lunch the girl thought I was very handsome and loved my nose. She looked about 22 so its weird having girls that young complimenting me. Let's calculate how many in the last ten years girls below the age of 30 have said nice things like that. The square root of pi times the number of brain cells I have times the amount of air in outer space and the answer is zero till today. Don't tell April or I may be have to blog tied to the bed and unable to get out.

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