Monday, December 14, 2015

Doctor , the mall, and walking back

I went to the doctor this morning and made an appointment for 3 pm. Since it was only 10:30 I decided to go to the mall and look around. It's a smaller mall so I decided to count foreigners for the day. I saw 15 foreigners throughout the whole day. It's my white count ( no offense intended). While counting people I got a text saying the doctor is in surgery and wont clinic till Wednesday. The problem isn't nothing serious and is a problem I've been seeing a doctor for in USA.
I decided to walk back. It's about 1 1/2 miles so distance isn't a problem. The guerrilla warfare while walking makes it a challenge. The metal roofs along the way would hit me in the forehead if I didn't duck. Everybody assumes the person walking will get out of the way and forces you to be on your toes. They don't have much of city planning and such nonsense here so people may build right to the street. The dogs roam around and are small and skinny. You would be small and skinny too if a family of 12 decided to cook you. Thank god there is no more cannibals because they would saute my big white butt.

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