Saturday, December 26, 2015

Back from the dead

Spent the last day and a half feeling like crap. I think I ate some bad tuna. You see they don't have all those silly health regulations and inspections to worry about. Most everything is un-regulated. People die on the job and their families are compensated a couple hundred dollars if that. It's the enduring spirit of the Filipino people I admire. Life is very hard here but they keep going on and smiling. We Americans are spoiled. Every body ,especially teenagers, need to spend time in a third world country.
I've attached the photo of the trike/jeepney terminal at Tamiya. I usually go catch a trike on the street. They wait until they are full so I don't feel like waiting at the terminal. A trike holds 7 including driver but sometimes two more will ride on the back.Plus what a $ 1.42 breakfast looks like.

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