Sunday, December 6, 2015


Yesterday I learned about the good and bad in the Philippines. I was at the mall and needed some money. There was a long line waiting for the ATM. They all wanted me to go to the head of the line. Well 3 minutes later and I'm leaving the mall and the trike driver wanted to charge me double. As they say " welcome to the Philippines ".
The trike is the main transportation here on the island. A trike is a motorcycle of about 125 cc with a covered sidecar. Me and April barely fit sitting side by side but somehow they find ways to put 8 or 9 people on it sometimes.
You will see a family of four all riding one motorcycle. The baby will be sitting on the gas tank. The lane markings are only a suggestion as they will ride a couple lanes and pass whenever they want.
The island doesn't have many jeepney but a smaller version called a multicab. Now I don't fit in a regular size jeepney so I'm not going to fit in the smaller.
When you go to the mall it looks alot like USA. McDonald's, Wendy's, Sbarro are all here. I hope to start taking more photos so everybody can see what I'm talking about.


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