Saturday, December 12, 2015

Breakfast, Jollibees, and a chair

I was running low on groceries so I recommended Jollibees. Jollibees is the Filipino version of McDonald's. Took a trike to there. Breakfast here is normally an egg with some rice. I also got it with the beef paddie. While eating the chair I was seating in broke and I fell to the floor. Everybody was looking to see what was happening. I has alright but April was mad about the chair and had to speak with the manager about it. Sounds like someone I know but I won't say Elaine's name.

I'm still getting use to the stares. I guess I'm a little bit of a oddity here but I'm not the only foreigner here. I see 10 to 12 everyday. Little kids want to be my friend. OK they want pesos. A peso is about 2 cents back home but you must learn a peso attitude to live cheap here.
Including photos of the dispensary and church at CarCar.

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