Monday, August 15, 2016

Day at the beach

Today I wanted to chill so I went to the beach. I decided to go to a small beach resort in the next town over. The town is called Toril and the beach resort is called Mergrande. The sand at this beach is almost black and the beach could use a cleaning but since it only costs a little over 50 cents to enter and they have a swimming pool so i'm good to go. The surf was a little high today with waves sometimes over my head so I stayed out of the ocean. As a tip for you world travelers, don't swim the in ocean by any city. You will sometimes see raw sewage dumped in the water so swim at your own risk. The problem with the beaches in the Philippines is there is always someone trying to sell you something. They try to sell you pearls on a lot of the beaches. Being of the white skin clan I get a special price. Haggle, haggle, haggle if you want a fair price.
After spending 30 minutes watching the waves and walking the beach it's time for the pool. Since it's a weekday I have the pool to myself for the first hour. I've included photos so you will know what your 50 cents buys you. After awhile a family shows up and also swims. Eventually one of the kids says Hi. I started speaking to them in the local language (Visaya) and they look at me funny as they aren't from around here and only speak Tagalog. As my Tagalog is very limited we speak in English. I know about 100 words in Visaya and it's growing daily. As a note there are a couple of dialects of Visaya and can be called Visaya, Bisaya, Cebuano and a couple more names I forget.
Before I end this I wanted to share a story. I had just finished eating at Jollibee (think McDonalds with a Filipino view) and was trying to walk out of the room. A little boy of 4 has opening and closing the sliding glass door and almost banged me with the door. He stuck out his hand and I thought he wanted to shake my hand. He shook his head no so I knew he wanted to bless me. He sticks out his hand and touches my forehead with the back of his hand. It's a blessing and a sign of respect a lot of the kids do here. Now imagine getting your kids to bless you as a sign of respect in America. Can you say unicorns. Just doesn't exist.

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