Friday, August 19, 2016

Kadayawan Festival

Today is the Kadayawan festival here in Davao city. Don't know what the name means but every town or city has a festival yearly it seems. When I first arrived at the festival the TV crew wanted to interview me about my opinion of the festival from a foreigner prospective. Since I had just arrived I told them I had no opinion yet and to catch me later. I has alone and the female reporter couldn't believe I was alone. Most foreigners already have a girlfriend or wife before they come to the Philippines.
OK it was init (hot) and crowded. The I's in Visaya are pronounced like an E so init sounds like E neat or close close to that. I felt sorry for those kids wearing those costumes, walking a few miles in the heat then having to perform before the judges. It does my soul good to see kids remembering their heritage. I'll include a few photos so you can see the bright colored outfits they are wearing in a 105 degree heat index.

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